
Monday, December 6, 2021

my pet clay dragon
this is while I was making it
and this is the finished product
It took a while make it stand and make the legs .but otherwise I think it looks really cool

my Minecraft town house


for Minecraft we made a town house there were extra plots so we where allowed build a second house

here are some pictures that I tooksome pictures that I took

my under ground office 


For art I did music. there were different assortments of instruments, I chose bongos. in my team is Xavier, Sophia Jane, Dominic and Jamison.

and here is the music where playing

Thursday, December 2, 2021

my myth


my myth

by Caleb

Areys was the God of War; every war he fought  he won them all. So the other gods decided to lock him away in a vase. So the next day they summoned him to the hall of gods. They were talking and they used a dimensional portal to suck him into the vase. It took him a while to figure out what was happening! He was in a library and the torches of peace were all around after day he got weaker and he got smarter, by year 100 let him out. But he was still the 

god of war!