
Monday, December 6, 2021

my pet clay dragon
this is while I was making it
and this is the finished product
It took a while make it stand and make the legs .but otherwise I think it looks really cool

my Minecraft town house


for Minecraft we made a town house there were extra plots so we where allowed build a second house

here are some pictures that I tooksome pictures that I took

my under ground office 


For art I did music. there were different assortments of instruments, I chose bongos. in my team is Xavier, Sophia Jane, Dominic and Jamison.

and here is the music where playing

Thursday, December 2, 2021

my myth


my myth

by Caleb

Areys was the God of War; every war he fought  he won them all. So the other gods decided to lock him away in a vase. So the next day they summoned him to the hall of gods. They were talking and they used a dimensional portal to suck him into the vase. It took him a while to figure out what was happening! He was in a library and the torches of peace were all around after day he got weaker and he got smarter, by year 100 let him out. But he was still the 

god of war!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

world war lll

 World War l l l


Thursday, November 4, 2021

my inquiry animation

 for this inquiry me and my buddy  Duke made a animation. I hope you like it

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Twinkle twinkle little flame

 Twinkle twinkle little flame

In 1898  there were orphans named Toby and Olivia. They only had enough money to buy food and clothes. but they were cold, they had to get enough money for a lantern. So the next day they went to get a job, Olivia's job was a handmaiden and 

Toby's job was in a Factory. Once they had enough money they bought a Lantern.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Christchurch Symphony Orchestra

 On the 19/10/2021 the C,S,O ( Christchurch Symphony Orchestra) came to our School. to teach us how to play some instruments.we did it in our inquiry group I am in  Urmi's. The peoples names were Ross,Kathy Serenity,Emma and Sharon .we got to choose what instrument we played out of violin, ukulele and bucket drums and some some people got to rap .The rap is about Space.

The instrument I chose was ukulele,the courts we chose were F and C here is the rap 

what's up there no air no gravity Dark  Infinity ssssssshhh when the earth travel around the sun I see day and night








No Pluto

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

my stop motion

I made this stop mosh animation for Monday mash up it is a car getting  cased by a Spinosaurus


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Monday, August 23, 2021

Lock Down Fire Making

(DON'T try this at home even though I did!!!!!!) 

How to make a fire with a magnifying glass:

You will need a  magnifying glass, a strip of paper, the sun and a parent.

  1.  Get your strip of paper and place it on something not flammable.    
  2. Get your parent to supervise.
  3. Align your magnifying glass with the sun. Make sure you have a tiny circle.
  4. Hold very still.
  5. Wait until FIRE

Tuesday, August 17, 2021



for reading this term we are learning about Matariki here is what I did :


By Caleb

How can we remember Matariki?

 Matariki signals the beginning of the Māori New Year. It is a time of renewal and celebration in New Zealand that begins with the rising of the Matariki star cluster. Matariki means 'tiny eyes' or 'eyes of God'.

Matariki signals the Māori New Year and June And July it changes every year because of the lunar calendar

We celebrate Matariki by getting together and remembering whānau who have died,  sharing food and telling the stories of the pasted.  There is singing and playing music, sharing food, telling the stories of the past, singing and playing music.

The Matariki story. The children of the earth mother  Papatuanuku and sky father, Ranginui, were divided over whether to separate them and bring light and life to the earth. Eventually, Tane Mahuta, the god of the forest, laid on his back and used his feet to force them apart and it brought out the stars 

For Matariki I could ask my family to Bake matariki Cookies and go down to the fireworks.

When I did this Matariki form I started to realize what Matariki is about 

It is about remembering whānau who have died and sharing food with friends and whānau.

now here is my slid

Thursday, August 12, 2021

chocolate earth

 for this lesson we made chocolate earth .

the crust was the chocolate.

the mantel was the marshmallow.

the outer core was the outside of the m and m.

and the inner core was the inside of the m and m 


Makey Makey Game Controller


How have you been using MakeyMakey?
We have Been making game controllers whether to play Pac-Man 
How did you use the MakeyMakey to test if items were conductive?
We Use alligator clips and connect it onto the makey makey  
What you found out?
Paper plastic and One bit of the clip worked and another bit did not
Game Controller:
Tell us about your game controller…
It was 4 stars because we Could not decide anything else  together
What material did you use that conducts.
Did it work?
Yes it did work 
What changes did you make?
We redrow the whole thing because it was harder to Use 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

on 8/10 we looked at a egg and how it might look like earth here is us with it   

Monday, August 9, 2021

earth layers


this why every time we are learning about the earths layers 

The crust  is the place where we live it is made up of tectonic plats

The mantel  is liquid and very very very hot I mean very hot

The Outer court is liquid iron it is very hot as well

The core is solid iron but it is very hot as well

this is the drawing I made of the plant 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

this terms inquiry

this term for inquiry  we are doing space  in Nigel's grope we are learning about space we are  learning  abate how man kind got into  space  we are learning  the names of the rocket.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

my animation

 this is my best animation yet!

Monday, July 26, 2021

my boss animation

Capacity actiuities

 for this activity we use sand to race we had the full that cups up. we either use a small cup or a spoon

Friday, July 9, 2021

My Reflection Of Term 2, 2021

 I am proud …

of my musket mode for inquiry.

my immigration slide.

and my writing has gotten better.

My challenges of this term …


It is probably getting my work finished on time.
My inquiry project.
working together 
Plus: it is easier getting work done and it takes less time. 
Minus: it is harder to agree on a job in inquiry.
What I have learnt…
I know a few more times tables
always use the materials you have. not the materials you need to buy.
I actually started doing ukulele.
next term I would like to learn more about science and technology.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

the Bridle path

We walked the Bridle Path on Tuesday the last week of term 3 2021 .

We walked the Bridle Path to experience how the Europeans coming to New Zealand felt.

It was hard work. I was really tired by the end .

I think the Europeans would feel tired and sore by the end. When I finished I felt proud.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

the nome

click here

boom ware are we ha ha ha who was that  it is I the gnomenater! ah  slice m-m-my hat you will pay for this... charge ah lots of tiney littil  gnome attacked me run hehehehehehe  poof .

Monday, June 21, 2021

 day 1 today I started a game called   🍕🍕PIZZA   RUN  🍕🍕 here are the rules :

  1. Land on a black square and your caught

  2. start with 1 piece of pizza and you need to collect get 6

  3. roll a black and your caught if the others want

  4. You can’t get caught on the first five square

  5. 3 laps

  6. roll dice to move

and here is how you win:
The winner is the person who collects 6 pieces of pizza.
there are cards dice and pieces of pizza

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

the portal ninja

 the battle

charge  the portal ninja Lept in to battle shing boom! hi. by. ah. vroom . retreat

boom! boom! boom! swip! Roar vom zap boom! hiya ow slice!

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

my ferreymead experience

 On the 27th of may we went to ferreymead  the activities were the V hut , Immigration , Packing the trunk and last but not lest craft. 
PS that is not the order we did it in

packing the trunk 

 for packing the trunk all we had to do was pack a trunk
 there wore certain things we had to have it and certain things we didn't


for immigration we had to fill out a form immigration we had to fill out of force on then get something that we would use for our jobs

and that was only 2 of them there are 2 more

Monday, May 24, 2021



the t.i.b (Turtles in black)

  for Monday mashup we made a turtle the my turtle works in the turtle in black the turtles in black  there detectives but for alien activity

my peg person

 for Monday mashup we made a person you can open their mouth using the peg. it was very easy.  

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Melbourne Zoo

 Today on the 5-19-2021 we made a travel poster we'll we've been before and where we like or liked to go.

I like  Melbourne Zoo because ther's  a lots of animals and it's really big and it's really nice .it's in Australia.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Minecraft Mystery Box Monday: Build a house in the sky...

Instead of a moving house in the sky we did a moving house on the ground. It looks like it has legs and it's got a tunnel Going Underground to bedrooms and looks like A lizard. it 6 blocks up 

Most difficult part of the design was the face. The lizard face looks like a  how of Lizard face Yes or no please compliment Down below and say yes or no to my question if you can.  We need to change the width of it and the length so we can fit more stuff in. we had to put our bedrooms underground I worked with Dilan and Duke

Monday, May 17, 2021



                  this is fishing me from Monday mashup his name is Blinky he lives in a Radioactive swamp near the nuclear power station in Simpsons.

p.s the guy who runs the nuclear power station is called Mr Burns

Friday, May 14, 2021

going on an expedition

 Title: expedition

Written by: Caleb 

I’m going to the Amazon jungle to find a temple and Steel the gold! I am going to the Amazon by helicopter when it lands I get off and get my luggage. Talking about luggage.

 I get out my luggage list ,tools cheek, tent food and water cheek, first aid kit cheek, books cheek, and bags cheek and lantern cheek.

I get all my stuff and set off. I find a beautiful thik tree .

I will make a hut here so I get out my axe and cut the trees down around it and make a hut near the tree. I carve out the inside of the tree and make myself a bedroom in it. I use my pocket knife to make a door and a shelf I put my ded down I made a door  and put it in the whole l made to get in. it is time I say.

I get out of it and go exploring. I have been waking for 5 hours. 

I find a temple so I get out my jackhammer and make a hole to the treasure and bag some up and  and go back for the helicopter and my stuff back in and go home. The end.


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Windy Wellington

 Windy Wellington  

Come to windy Wellington it's very windy it's very Hilley .Lots of trams and it's 100% cool there lives the 1 and onley Jacinda Ardern the prime minister of New Zealand!!!!!! There's also some glow worms the Wellington Gardens are really nice in them is a park the park  actually quite cool. There’s a really cool Bird thing in the Airport. there's nothing  windy Wellington is missing except you

P.S there’s is one really good ice cream place.

Monday, May 10, 2021

my monster

week 2 term 2 2021. On Monday for Monday mash up. We made a monster my guy the big guy  is a devil and the little guy is also a devil. We made it by carrying out pieces of papera and using felt to draw things on it .